About us



Company’s full name

Joint Stock Company “KARBONAT”

Company’s address

Egizbulok, Forish tumani, Jizzakh region, 131204, Uzbekistan

Company’s history

06/29/1999 – Created an Open Joint-Stock Company "KARBONAT" on the basis of the order of the Department of State Property Management in the Jizzakh region of November 26, 1997 No. 243;

07/03/2014 – the Company has undergone re-registered in the form of the Joint Stock Company "KARBONAT"

Objective and Company’s main activity (main directions)

The main objective of Company’s activity is profit.

The Company of activity (main directions) is the production and sale of fractionated limestone and lime.

Authorized capital

The Company’s authorized capital is 6,279,423,550 soums and is divided into 3 394 283 ordinary shares, acquired by shareholders (the placed shares) with a par value of 1,850 soums.

Organizational structure

Supreme Management Body of the Company - General Meeting of Shareholders.

The management body of the Company for general management of the Company's activities (except for resolving issues within the competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders) – Supervisory Board.

The management body of the Company for manages the current Company’s activities – Executive Body represented by the Govening Board.

Company activity control bodies – Revission comission and Internal Audit Service.