Analysis of financial and economic indicators of JSC “KARBONAT” was carried out on the basis of the company's financial statements for 2019-21.
Absolute indicators of financial stability, (thousand UZS)
01.01.2020 |
01.01.2021 |
01.01.2022 |
Long term assets |
10 204 404 |
12 624 934 |
19 067 115 |
Current assets, including: |
24 067 132 |
32 006 633 |
58 005 227 |
- inventories |
877 354 |
4 130 076 |
8 183 484 |
- debtors |
22 536 437 |
27 461 927 |
29 924 771 |
- cash |
85 |
147 182 |
691 162 |
Sources of own funds |
30 817 858 |
35 058 898 |
40 687 247 |
Obligations, including: |
3 453 678 |
10 723 243 |
10 723 243 |
- long term duties |
0 |
2 629 707 |
9 983 743 |
- Current responsibility |
3 453 678 |
6 942 962 |
7 334 237 |
Balance currency |
34 271 536 |
44 631 567 |
58 005 227 |
End of analyzed period is characterized by an increase in the amount of long-term assets of current assets due to the acquisition of new fixed assets. Amount of current assets also increased due to an increase in the amount of inventory and receivables of the enterprise.
In the structure of liabilities, one can single out an increase in a share of sources of own funds due to an increase in retained earnings of the enterprise; also appeared long-term liabilities of the enterprise in the form of a long-term bank loan. Current liabilities increased due to amount of advances received and debts to suppliers.
Analysis of financial results, (thousand UZS). |
Indicators |
01.01.2020 |
01.01.2021 |
01.01.2022 |
Net sales |
6 303 595 |
25 367 107 |
52 475 060 |
Gross profit from sales |
2 501 422 |
13 772 023 |
26 542 645 |
Period expenses |
2 705 715 |
9 970 089 |
22 129 298 |
Income from financial activities |
1 263 |
299 296 |
745 722 |
Financing expenses |
123 594 |
505 196 |
2 063 838 |
Profit before income tax |
50 544 |
4 500 163 |
5 011 805 |
Net profit |
12 879 |
4 196 247 |
4 792 407 |
It should be noted that since August 2020, Company has begun to carry out activities for production of lime from a part of the mined limestone.
Thus, it is possible to predict an increase in income from production activities in the future.